Table Tennis Table is a sport which is played in many competitions like Olympic Sports, World Table Tennis Championships, Table Tennis World Cup and many more.
How Table Tennis Table Sports Start in Olympics:
The conversation for the proposal of Table Tennis sport to join the Olympic Games starts on 15 February 1931 where a discussion on the Olympic Games was acknowledged from Dr. Mezo and it was granted to investigate the possibilities outlined. In 1932, the English Language Secretary sent a circular to all countries as per AGM (Annual General Meeting) asking for the situation of Olympic Games. After that they received a reply from Japan who had written to Los Angeles proposing for Games this year and then British Olympic Council suggests that if any action is needed proposed as supplementary game in the Olympic Games Berlin 1936.
In meeting of 1932 AGM decided that steps are to be taken to secure the holding of Table Tennis events simultaneously with the winter sports at the Olympic Games in Berlin 1936. After that mostly all countries were ready for the inclusion of table tennis sports in the Olympics except England.
After that at the 1938 world championship, it was reminded to take few steps towards the inclusion of Table Tennis sport in the Olympic Games and they were instructed to write immediately to the Japan TTA on the subject. In 1946 London Conference, the president of ITTF stated that I am completely opposed to the inclusion of Table Tennis Sports in the Olympic Games because I think the Olympic Games should restrict to Athletics and other similar events and the sports that do not have their own world title should not be included in Olympics.
AGM decided to take some analysis on ITTF president statements and a vote was then taken from different countries. After that the ITTF president again proposed that each member nation’s Olympic Committee should be approached for their opinion and the results referred to the Advisory Committee for a decision. Some member nations had concerns about Table Tennis Table Sports to join the Olympics because of amateur issue. In 1946 London Conference, the ITTF President has dismissed these issues and said that we can comply with Olympics requirements in this respect by meeting and agreeing by Federation decision that no players should be included who have been paid to play.
In 1967, the ITTF President retried and new President was elected. The new President explained that in relation to the French Association’s proposal to investigate the possibilities of affiliating to the International Olympic Committee and the federation would take some steps to secure the full information. After that some people told them about the importance of membership of International Olympic Committee. After 10 years, ITTF constitution was amended to comply with the IOC requirements and this proposal was accepted by votes.
In November 1977, the ITTF was notified that Table Tennis was officially recognized by the IOC. After that Table Tennis was admitted to the summer Olympic Program beginning with the 1988 Olympic Games in Seoul, South Korea.