Table Tennis Table sport is also known as the Ping-Pong and now it becomes one of the most popular sports all around the world in terms of players involved as well as its being one of the newest among other major sports. When this game was proposed officially and in meeting of 1926 the ITTF (International Table Tennis Federation) committee of tt table sport was origin and after five days the first constitution and rules of table tennis table sport was made.
In starting, the table tennis table sport is played as a recreational sport in the United States and after some time it becomes a major competitive sport in Asia and parts of Europe. In 1971, the tt table sport achieved a great measure of publicity when touring Japan. After some time the U.S. table tennis sport team was invited to play in China, that is counted as the first official sanctioned cultural exchange in almost twenty years and from 1988, the table tennis table sport becomes the Olympic Game.
As the popularity of table tennis sport is spreading all around the world. The Asian countries embraced the sport and quickly became the world’s leaders. Some European Countries like Hungary and England particularly dominated the men’s single titles at the World Championship during the first 25 years. The Japanese and Chinese Players have taken the majority of world titles from the 1950s onwards. A notable exception was Sweden who with Jan-Ove Waldner and Jorgen person in their ranks and claimed the men’s singles titles in 1989, 1991 and 1997 and won the event in 1989, 1991 and 1993.
Since then table tennis table sport is played as competition and personal fun / entertainment purpose. As the competition it is popular in Asia and Europe as well as has been gain attention in United States. The most important competitions of Table Tennis are the World Table Tennis Championships, Table Tennis World Cup, The Olympics and ITTF Pro Tour. The continental competitions include The European Championships, Europe Top12, Asian Championships and Asian Games. The TT Table sport had been taken as the formal professional sports in Chine that’s why Chinese players have won many men’s world championships and women’s competitions. Other strong teams come from East Asia and European Countries including Austria, Belarus, Germany, Hong Kong, Japan, South Korea, Singapore, Sweden and Taiwan.
In this way the table tennis table sport become the popular all around the world and ITTF has also made the federation of table tennis as per the region like Africa (Africa Table Tennis Federation), Asia (Asian Table Tennis Union), Europe (European Table Tennis Union), Latin America (Latin America Table Tennis Union), Northern America (Northern American Table Tennis Union), Oceania (Oceania Table Tennis Federation) and many more.