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Why Vinex Table Tennis Table ?

Strategies Used to Play TT Table Sport

Table Tennis is a kind of indoor and most enjoyable sport where the objective of each player is to hit the ball back and forth using racket and outscore from his opponent through using different skills, strength, speed, stamina and strategy.

To be a good player and winner, you must know each and every aspect or strategies to play the table tennis sport and these are as following:

Play on your opponent's weakness: Firstly you must try to search out the weakness of your opponent. If you have seen your opponent play before, you can explore his weakness easily. And if you don’t know about him, you can discover it while playing (play the ball to different areas of the table, use different strokes and spins, until you would find the weakness). Mostly your opponent would be weaker on the backhand side than the forehand side or maybe they can weaker against high returns, heavy backspin and heavy topspin.

Play consistently and don't make unforced errors: To play consistently, firstly you need practice, practice and practice. Try to play the ball consistently with all your strokes; you can often win points by default, as your opponent will make unforced errors.

Move your opponent around the table: Firstly try to play your shots from different areas of the table and then thing about from where you are feeling comfortable to play and your opponent feeling wrong to play.

Vary your strokes: You must vary your strokes time to time to beat your opponent. If you are using the same stroke again and again, your opponent is more likely to get used to them and easily able to anticipate them.

Vary your speed, spin and direction of your strokes: While playing you must use different speed, spin and direction to make the game more interesting and difficult for your opponent.

Play to your own strengths: You must try to play with your own style and strength, that would be the most beneficial for you and be winner.

If you will play the table tennis sport using these tactics, you would be definitely the winner. But remember you would learn all these skills by practice only.

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